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Song Interpretation
A more reminiscent lost love tale then the average Dave written song; The song uses a day as an allusion to life. The opening line tells that the song is sung in a positive light, i.e., some of the memories, ‘maybe different’, but ‘remember’ the positive times. The singer is aware that the lost love is better off without him, but the pain is still present. ‘Wake up naked…’ represents birth, with the coffee reference as an awaking to the world. ‘The rest of the days afternoon…’ represents midlife, pondering how the singer will continue now that the love is gone. Time becomes insignificant, because every day remains ‘…the day you went away’.

Song Information
Album: Some Devil
Various 2008 Rarity: 47.3684
Historical Rarity: 20.6986
Average Slot: 5
Average Length: 0:00

Stay or Leave

  9 Various 2008 Appearances


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