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Dave Matthews Band Summer 2008 Tour

Opener: The Dynamites featuring Charles Walker

79 unique songs performed so far.

Show 43 of 53

4th DMB show at this venue (7th overall)

19 Songs / 20.2 Avg.
Tour Rarity: 12 of 51 (39.28)

This show has an overall rarity index of 25.84

This show has a point-in-time rarity index of 36.78

This show became unique with Gravedigger
(DF: 3 Rarity: 28.31)

August 16, 2008
August 19, 2008
August 20, 2008
August 22, 2008
August 23, 2008

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Taper: John Koch  
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Seating Chart
Dave Matthews Band
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA
+/- (?) Song      Tour (?)    Venue (?) Last (?) Guests Notes
1. Seek Up      14 of 16     1 of 1 4 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
2. Warehouse      4 of 6     2 of 2 4 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
3. Gravedigger      23 of 25     3 of 3 3 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn Live Release: Warehouse 5, Vol. 9 and Warehouse 8, Vol. 6
4. Rhyme and Reason      13 of 15     1 of 1 5 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
5. Crush      14 of 17     2 of 3 6 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
6. Old Dirt Hill      21 of 25     1 of 1 2 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
7. #41      24 of 28     1 of 1 3 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn Sojourn Of Arjuna Interpolation
8. You Might Die Trying      31 of 34     1 of 1 2 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
9. Where Are You Going      9 of 11     3 of 3 3 Tim, Rashawn
10. Pantala Naga Pampa ...>     14 of 16     1 of 1 2 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
11. Rapunzel      14 of 16     1 of 1 2 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
12. Out of My Hands      16 of 18     1 of 1 3 Tim
13. Jimi Thing      16 of 19     1 of 1 2 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
14. So Much To Say ...>     16 of 19     1 of 1 5 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
15. Anyone Seen the Bridge ...>     29 of 36     2 of 2 1 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
16. Too Much      33 of 40     3 of 3 5 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
17. Louisiana Bayou      23 of 26     1 of 1 4 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
18. E: Sledgehammer      22 of 25     2 of 2 1 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
19. E: Stay      11 of 14     1 of 1 2 Jeff, Tim, Rashawn
Show Notes


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