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Various 2007

Ticket Price: $3000

81 unique songs performed so far.

Show 16 of 30

1st show at this venue

27 Songs / 11.29 Avg.
Tour Rarity: 24 of 28 (41.32)

This show has an overall rarity index of 20.07

This show has a point-in-time rarity index of 33.78

This show became unique with Old Dirt Hill
(DF: 2 Rarity: 48.55)

July 8, 2007
July 9, 2007
July 28, 2007
August 1, 2007
August 2, 2007

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Taper: Scott Brown  
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Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The East Hampton SOCIAL, The Ross School, East Hampton, NY
+/- (?) Song      Tour (?)    Venue (?) Last (?) Guests Notes
1. So Damn Lucky      4 of 4     1 of 1 1
2. Old Dirt Hill      4 of 4     1 of 1 1
3. Crush      7 of 10     1 of 1 1
4. Stay or Leave      4 of 4     1 of 1 1
5. Grace Is Gone      3 of 5     1 of 1 1
6. Save Me      4 of 4     1 of 1 1
7. Still Water ...>     7 of 7     1 of 1 1
8. Don't Drink the Water      7 of 8     1 of 1 1 Interpolation
9. #27      1 of 5     1 of 1 Never 27 is not the 27th song written by DMB, in the same vein that 34, 36, 40, and 41 were named. It's just a name that Dave called the song, coming from the 27th piece of music worked upon during the 2006 sessions.
10. Corn Bread      4 of 9     1 of 1 1
11. Oh      4 of 4     1 of 1 1
12. Gravedigger      5 of 10     1 of 1 1
13. Loving Wings      1 of 2     1 of 1 30
14. Where Are You Going      5 of 8     1 of 1 2
15. Satellite      4 of 4     1 of 1 3
16. Lie In Our Graves      4 of 6     1 of 1 1
17. Stream ...>     3 of 3     2 of 2 2 Tim Solo
18. Kashmir ...>     2 of 2     1 of 1 2 Tim Solo
19. Stream ...>     3 of 3     2 of 2 2 Tim Solo
20. Ten Years Gone      1 of 1     1 of 1 Never Tim Solo
21. Sister      8 of 10     1 of 1 1
22. The Maker      7 of 8     1 of 1 1
23. Crash Into Me      4 of 6     1 of 1 1 Dixie Chicken Interpolation
24. #41      4 of 6     1 of 1 1
25. Dancing Nancies      5 of 5     1 of 1 1
26. E: Some Devil      3 of 3     1 of 1 1 Dave solo
27. E: Ants Marching      2 of 7     1 of 1 4
Show Notes
Tickets were offered to Warehouse members at the last second (a few days before the event) at $250 a piece


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