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Winter 1993

45 unique songs performed so far.

Show 22 of 47

43rd show at this venue

23 Songs / 12.67 Avg.
Tour Rarity: 22 of 46 (33.5)

This show has an overall rarity index of 20.47

This show has a point-in-time rarity index of 27.59

This show became unique with So Much To Say
(DF: 2 Rarity: 23.03)

Total Song Time: 2 hours, 24 minutes, 23 seconds

February 13, 1993
February 16, 1993
February 17, 1993
February 23, 1993
February 24, 1993

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Dave Matthews Band
Wednesday, February 17, 1993
Flood Zone, Richmond, VA
+/- (?) Song Time      Tour (?)    Venue (?) Last (?) Guests Notes
1. Minarets 3:46     9 of 18     13 of 31 7 Dave solo , jokingly named "Revolution 6 1/2" by Dave, a Beatles reference.
2. So Much To Say 3:31     13 of 20     15 of 20 4 Dave solo
3. Cry Freedom 5:32     2 of 4     6 of 8 19 Dave and LeRoi
4. Christmas Song 4:45     4 of 7     3 of 8 18 Dave again referred to Christmas Song as Blood Of Our Children, after calling it Christmas Song on the first few dates of 1993. , Dave solo
5. Rhyme and Reason 2:57     10 of 20     4 of 18 4 Dave solo
6. Lie In Our Graves 5:32     14 of 29     15 of 37 2
7. One Sweet World 5:37     13 of 29     14 of 37 3
8. Recently 8:44     13 of 25     13 of 36 2
9. Granny 3:13     13 of 31     5 of 32 4
10. Dancing Nancies 7:00     10 of 23     12 of 40 12
11. Lover Lay Down 7:41     5 of 5     9 of 12 6
12. Typical Situation 9:11     5 of 10     9 of 31 4
13. True Reflections 7:10     13 of 25     14 of 36 4
14. What Would You Say 4:58     7 of 17     12 of 25 4
15. Warehouse 8:19     11 of 26     15 of 40 4 Shortin' bread Interpolation, Opened set II
16. Seek Up 8:16     10 of 17     6 of 24 5
17. Drive In Drive Out 7:07     3 of 6     5 of 6 5
18. Ants Marching 7:00     13 of 27     12 of 38 3 Dueling Banjos Interpolation
19. Help Myself 4:42     10 of 16     11 of 22 4
20. #34 7:20     2 of 10     2 of 6 Never 1st 34. And yes, this version, as all other live 34’s pre-2005, featured lyrics. These lyrics were pre-Miguel Valdez influenced.
21. Two Step 11:42     10 of 20     15 of 26 4
22. E: Halloween 5:44     9 of 16     9 of 22 6
23. E: Tripping Billies 4:36     7 of 20     16 of 40 5
Show Notes


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