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Dave and Tim 1999

76 unique songs performed so far.

Show 39 of 42

1st show at this venue

33 Songs / 26 Avg.
Tour Rarity: 3 of 41 (36.91)

This show has an overall rarity index of 18.43

This show has a point-in-time rarity index of 39.85

This show became unique with Too Much
(DF: 2 Rarity: 52.04)

March 10, 1999
March 12, 1999
March 13, 1999
March 14, 1999
March 23, 1999

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Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
Saturday, March 13, 1999
Live Trax Volume 41, Berkeley Community Theatre - Berkeley High School, Berkeley, CA
+/- (?) Song      Tour (?)    Venue (?) Last (?) Guests Notes
1. Granny      13 of 14     1 of 1 2
2. Too Much      36 of 39     1 of 1 1
3. The Last Stop      2 of 2     1 of 1 7 Reprise outro
4. Crush      37 of 40     1 of 1 1
5. The Stone      35 of 38     1 of 1 1 Can't Help Falling In Love Interpolation
6. Lie In Our Graves      34 of 37     1 of 1 1
7. Bartender ...>     30 of 33     1 of 1 1
8. Don't Drink the Water      38 of 41     1 of 1 1 This Land Is Your Land Interpolation
9. Stay      22 of 22     1 of 1 2 6/8 time , Tim teased O Little Town of Bethlehem and Dave hummed it before the start of Stay, as per a request from the crowd
10. Proudest Monkey ...>     19 of 21     1 of 1 1
11. Satellite      26 of 28     1 of 1 1
12. Letting Go      7 of 7     1 of 1 3 Tim solo
13. Two Step      32 of 35     1 of 1 1
14. Wild Horses      19 of 20     1 of 1 1
15. For the Beauty of Wynona      7 of 8     1 of 1 3
16. Jam      1 of 2     1 of 1 65 Just some messing around by Dave and Tim, Dave sings "Spooner", in response to a fan who yelled for Spoon, but slurred his words to "Spooner"
17. Crash Into Me      37 of 40     1 of 1 1 Dixie Chicken Interpolation
18. Help Myself      1 of 1     1 of 1 42
19. Jimi Thing ...>     37 of 40     1 of 1 1 You Shook Me Interpolation
20. What Will Become of Me ...>     37 of 40     1 of 1 1
21. Pantala Naga Pampa      37 of 40     1 of 1 1
22. I'll Back You Up      18 of 20     1 of 1 7
23. Halloween      11 of 11     1 of 1 2
24. Jemez Rolling Waves ...>     12 of 13     1 of 1 3 Tim solo
25. Chatterbox ...>     6 of 6     1 of 1 7 Tim solo
26. Repeat The Question ...>     5 of 8     1 of 1 5 Tim solo
27. Alcaniz      4 of 6     1 of 1 5 Tim solo
28. If I Had a Boat      24 of 25     1 of 1 2
29. Warehouse      29 of 32     1 of 1 1 The Ants Came Marching, Passion Interpolation, Dave sings a few verses of this children's classic before Warehouse begins.
30. Dancing Nancies      37 of 40     1 of 1 1
31. E: Digging a Ditch      11 of 13     1 of 1 1
32. E: Lover Lay Down      5 of 5     1 of 1 4
33. E: Ants Marching      6 of 9     1 of 1 2
Show Notes


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