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Winter 2000

Opener: Angelique Kidjo

31 unique songs performed so far.

Show 3 of 11

2nd show at this venue

19 Songs / 17.18 Avg.
Tour Rarity: 2 of 11 (44.61)

This show has an overall rarity index of 27.39

This show has a point-in-time rarity index of 49.49

This show became unique with Satellite
(DF: 4 Rarity: 60.38)

December 3, 2000
December 4, 2000
December 5, 2000
December 7, 2000
December 8, 2000

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Taper: Carmen Anfuso  
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Ants@Show: 689 (3.7% of venue)

Seating Chart
Dave Matthews Band
Tuesday, December 5, 2000
Allstate Arena, Rosemont, IL
+/- (?) Song      Tour (?)    Venue (?) Last (?) Guests Notes
1. Pantala Naga Pampa ...>     1 of 4     1 of 2 7
2. Rapunzel      1 of 4     1 of 2 7
3. Don't Drink the Water      2 of 5     1 of 2 2
4. Satellite      2 of 7     1 of 1 2
5. Warehouse      2 of 3     1 of 2 2
6. Crash Into Me      2 of 6     1 of 2 2 Dixie Chicken Interpolation
7. JTR      2 of 9     2 of 2 1
8. Too Much      2 of 9     1 of 2 2
9. I Did It (Tease)      1 of 1     1 of 2 Never Before Drive In, Dave strums the chords to I Did It, and then sings 1 verse to the song before going into Drive In. It is clearly heard on the IEM recording of the show.
10. Drive In Drive Out      1 of 3     1 of 2 7
11. Angel From Montgomery      1 of 1     1 of 1 7
12. What Would You Say      2 of 9     1 of 2 2
13. Bartender      1 of 5     1 of 3 6
14. Grace Is Gone      1 of 4     1 of 3 5
15. When the World Ends (Tease)      1 of 1     1 of 2 Never Interpolation, Again, clearly heard on the IEM recording of this show.
16. Lie In Our Graves      1 of 4     1 of 2 8 Dave sang "Dance Away"
17. Ants Marching      2 of 5     1 of 2 2
18. E: Christmas Song      2 of 9     1 of 1 2 Dave and Carter
19. E: Tripping Billies      2 of 4     1 of 1 2
Show Notes
This was the tail end of the boom in IEM recordings, and the IEM recording of this show is quite common.


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