There were 1 Dave Matthews Band shows in which 17 songs were played, an average of 17.00 songs per show.

At these 1 shows, there was 17 different songs played.

To see a list of songs played broken down by album, click here.

Show Statistics for stefanm205

Top 10 Rarest Songs Seen

Everybody Wake Up1.29474
American Baby4.43314
American Baby Intro5.70571
Smooth Rider6.68626
Hunger for the Great Light10.7613
Say Goodbye16.6606
Louisiana Bayou25.2009

Top 10 Songs Played

Tripping Billies1
Smooth Rider1
Jimi Thing1
Everybody Wake Up1
Ants Marching1
Louisiana Bayou1
You Might Die Trying1
Say Goodbye1
Hunger for the Great Light1

Top 10 Rarest Shows Seen

DMB 2005-09-0723.2183

Songs Heard as an Opener

Pantala Naga Pampa1

Teases Heard

Guests Seen

Butch Taylor1
Victor Wooten1

Songs Heard as an Encore

American Baby1
Ants Marching1


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