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Show Reviews
Dave Matthews Band
August 31, 2004
Sleep Train Amphitheatre, Marysville, CA

Ants Rating:

Show Reviews

User: ambersonian
AWESOME show as usual! :-) This was my 2nd DMB show ever and I loved every second of it. Met some cool people and had a blast!

User: bananaslug02
Not the best DMB show I've seen, but the new stuff kicked ass! 2.5 hr main set was shorter than usual, but still a great time as always.

User: blairweber
I've never left a show early... I left this one early. I've been going to shows for a while and have friends that have been to over 50 shows each. We all agree... weak setlist. The show never got going. Songs 1-8 are good songs but all slow for the most part. Then 12-18 were slow as well. three songs in the middle and I bet the last two were good but overall very disapointing. By the looks of the crowd they would agree, most of them sitting the entire show even as the band finished Everyday to finish the set (pre-encore).

User: clifflange
I definitely agree with the first review, weak set list. I've been to over 25 shows and this ranks down towards the bottom 1/3. I left early too, the first time I've ever done that. It was cool to hear the new songs and Hello Again was pretty sick but other than that, I wasn't all that impressed. I was expecting a lot more, especially since they aren't playing at Shoreline this year. I had more fun watching this hot girl in front of me shake her butt and talk on her phone. I'm glad to see that some people enjoyed the show. Oh well.

User: Curcal
First show ever!

User: d1gw33d
I really dont understand the negative attitude towards this show. I've been to shows @ the Meadows (Conn.) LA, SF, Sacramento, and Oregon. This was my 25th, and one of the best.

And please, PLEASE someone tell me whats wrong with the setlist? Everyone bitches about Everday songs, he plays two (the best ones) and nothing but old school and brand new stuff. The OSW opener was a mellow start, but this isn't Ozz Fest, thanks.

A kick ass #41/Lover/Stone.
Add this to the SMTS>Bridge>Too Much mid show, and a Warehouse/Ants encore makes this easily one of the best shows I've been to. You people that can't deal with a weak 2-3 hour drive, or whine because parking was FREE? Can just stay home from now on. Please.

User: discorange
I was able to go to this show with only a few hours notice. It was a gorgeous night, with a great crowd. It was the perfect end to the summer.

User: dmbandilove
Drum stick :) Met Lonnie!

User: dmbberkeley
A step down from the LA shows.. .but still awesome. Saved up for the Gorge no doubt.... Still better than 90 percent of concerts ive ever been to. haha

User: dmbhurley
loved jason mraz opener

User: dmbkid15
cool show, nothing near the polo fields.

User: ecolindres
I've only been to 3 shows and this one was the best by far. I drove up from LA and was amazed on how they played. The new songs rocked and Loving Wings as well as Lover Lay Down just blew me away. The venue was great, looked like a clone of Shoreline, but the traffic going out was brutal. Great show. It was well worth the 6 plus hours of boredom on the I-5!

User: emmdee
I was in the 3rd row, compliments of the Fan Club! They called me to offer me these seats, out of the beautiful blue sky! What an amazing show, with Jason Mraz as the opener. I was so close, I couldn't actually see the screens from my seat. In Section 1, right in front of LeRoi. Sigh....

User: help99
Very disapointing set list. The majority of the songs were slow and/or mellow. Good for listing at home but not at a live venue. However, there were a few good faster tempo songs he did play. The one that really stands out was "Ants Marching". That rendition had a really good beat to it and the extra instrumental solo spots really sounded great. He also tried out a few new songs that he is working on as well. In all the crowd was not really into it as some of his other shows there have been.

User: hopi420
My 28th show.I was 3 rows back from center stage!!!!! Dave was 10 feet away!! Great energy, it seemed like the setlist was short, but it always seems like that. Warehouse was a suprise as was lover lay down, no two step though, and of course there were the new songs. Joyride was the show highlight. Not the best show ever, but a great one none the less. Oh, leaving early?! That is unbelievable, warehouse and ants marching were an amazing finish, it would have been a shame if some people missed those!!

User: humboldt-dmb
I thought the show was great. Not the greatest show I have ever been too, but the 41, Everyday outro was cool. The 20 min "Sugar Will" was also great. Hearing Dave say "OK" like Dave Chapelle making fun of Little John was funny. Dave also put a lot of energy into "Crazy Easy". It seemed that each of the new songs were played longer and with more passion at this show then they had been played earlier in the tour. And if you are "too cool" of a fan that you no longer take any enjoyment from a DMB show when certain songs are played and would rather be in your car that taking a chance on hearing Dave live in person, you got problems.

User: imdubbs
This was my second show. We got there three songs into it and I was so bummed but Dave and the guys put me into an awesome space. Any other band I would have been disappointed to here so many mellow songs but the mellow ones were beautiful. The night was perfect with the breeze and the big moon and the crowd where I was anyway really got into the mellow stuff. The new songs rock. The guys come to play even after a long tour. Was there ever a better live version of Grey Street? Dave's voice on that was incredible. Where are you going even made be all teary eyed. Everyday's "all you need is love" was perfect for the times we are in. These two "ants" from Eugene love the DMB! Going to Gorge next year. The BEST concert ever!

User: Jess-n-Laura
We were a little dissapointed with this show. The sound just wasn't quite right, and the guys seemed a "little off" tonight. Not as much energy from them. Hopefully they'll be better next time!

User: JonathanMcHenry
good set by jason. solid show. ok. nothing special. best encore i've seen though.

User: jtpadres
Great show, first show that I have been to. Set list was pretty solid. Crowd had great energy

User: kburney
The show was great as always. Sounded clean and clear on the lawn. The weather was the best that I have ever experienced at Marysville. Kevin Burney

User: kcoll
My favorite of the three DMB shows I've seen at this venue. The guys jammed like I had never seen them jam. Can't wait to see them show it up at SF charity concert next week!

User: leftcoastboy21
Sleep train is a nice little place to go and watch dave for an evening.

User: lifeisgood
After reading that people left this show early, i'm only wishing I did the same. Have also been to over 25 shows, and this ranks as my least favorite. I'm not really complaining, since it only proves that this band is human, but I guess after driving all that way and going through all that hassle, I was definitely a little disappointed. Oh well...

User: LMB1031
This was my 4th and final show of the tour (unfortunately). I would probably rank it 4th out of the 4. Nice venue, setlist was good, but the crowd in and around my section just wasn't into it and I'm not sure why??? People were sitting down most of the show. Still, I must say Loving Wings kicked ass. Also, I was happy to hear Lover Lay Down for the first time.

User: LuV4rocknroll
This show was a great show.It was my 10th DMB show.Dave's voice was stronge and those guys were having a ball.It really didn't matter what they played because they were in a great groove.New songs kicked ass.I have to say I had great seats and Marysville is my favorite venue.Loving wings and Lover lay down was a personal highlight.They were mixing things up and In a great mood.There's no way I would've EVER walked out on this show.

User: mad_toilet
First DMB show ever. They seemed to have a lot of energy and fun that night...but then what do I really have to compare this against?

User: magpie550
Didn't compare to Shoreline. But once I got that "comparison" thing out of my head it was a good evening. I was so greatful to have been able to go!

User: mealaa
It was amazing!

User: MidasMulligan
I think this is the last time I'll schlep up from the Bay Area to watch a show at Sleep Train. I'm sure the 2-3 hour drive with plenty of traffic both ways has tempered my enthusiasm for the show, too. Getting out of that lot at the end of the show was a nightmare. I only saw one guy trying to direct traffic in the whole place. Makes me wish they charged for parking and kept people around to direct traffic after the show. Having said that, I find it hard to think that the show/setlist was better than mediocre. Based on the other reviews, setlist quality is clearly a matter of taste, but this one was too mellow for me. Highlights included 41, Loving Wings, SMTS-ASTB-TM, which surprised me, and the excellent encore. The encore was a huge reward for those of us who stuck around. As can be expected given that he's at the tail end of the tour, Dave's voice was not 100%. I really noticed it on 41, but it was there all night.

User: mjbradley
awesome as always and no one in front of me. Great view!

User: myorg
We thought we'd give Sleep Train Amphitheatre a try since the parking at Shoreline in San Jose sucks so badly. What blew our mind is how poorly designed Sleep Train Amphitheater is. It took us over an hour after getting off the freeway to wind our way through the country roads of Marysville to the dirt parking lot of Sleep Train. Try to imagine thousands of cars traveling one way on a two lane road that has stop signs instead of street lights. The concert was great but we missed Jason Mraz completely (no big loss) due to the location of the venue.

User: nmchicostate
Great Sound

User: rockjock
Probobly the best show I've ever seen. Good set list with a mix of favorites and classics, as well as a lot of new stuff. Crowd was so into it.

User: Rodzilla_v
Good Show. Is there ever a bad one? My favorite, was loving Wings! I had never heard it before and I absolutely loved it. I wish I would have had closer seats to the stage, but it was still very good!

User: roxy_knoxy
This was my first DMB show, and quite frankly, I don't think it lived up to all the hype I was expecting. It was their last show before heading up to Gorge, and I think the guys were just tired and anxious to get up there. I know I would have been. It's all good though, because Golden Gate on 9/12 MORE than made up for it ;)

User: RWTC420
I was front row center for this show, and dave coulda sang yankee doodle for 2.5 hours and i would have been happy.... the band is amazing, it does not matter what they play... granted this was not a GREAT setlist, but it wasn't awful.... there were much worse sets this tour... if you need to leave early cause you don't get jimi or two step, then maybe jason mraz is more your style.... btw, i got a drumstick, and if anyone has the IEM, right before the encore dave went over to boyd and said something about me, so i need to find out what it is!!!!

User: S,S,FH
One of the coolest opening set lists. OSW -> 41 -> TSTJL -> WTWE -> SW Damn, I love Sugar Will so much!! Plus I got to hear The Stone again!! Crazy Easy was tight also!

User: smccready
This was my first DMB show, and it's what really made me a DMB fan. Sure, I knew their music, but once I saw them live, I was hooked.

User: Soel Jams
This was the first DMB concert that my friend Rosie and I have been too. It was also the first real concert I had been to at all. No one else has ever quite measured up to a DMB show.

User: steck777
I thought it was the best show since 1998 RedRocks. Good set list, overall production kicked ass in an old school DMB style.

User: Taiternuts
The only show I've ever been to so I guess I can say it was the best. Sugar Will was amazing and Carter did something special on Hello Again.

User: trey9
Hello Again and Joyride rocked. Warehouse-Ants=best encore I've seen.

User: Weesner
Hate to say it but it was a horrible show. Mraz kicked a$$ though :)

User: xxdmbxx
This show was amazing. Maybe not the best show I've been to, but the people who complain are people who say they've been to a gazillion shows. What is it you expect to be so amazingly different??? This is DAVE MATTHEWS people!! This was a GOOD GOOD TIME!!! You can't beat this band for an all-around good time! If you didn't enjoy this, you need to re-examine what it takes to entertain yourself...


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