Originally Posted by clayj41
I think there's definitely been a trend in this direction, but I've also adjusted my expectations accordingly. Most movies fail to present their themes and ideas in an impactful fashion anyway, to the point where sometimes it's enough if you can immerse me in an interesting world for a couple of hours.
I'm getting vibier and vibier the older I get, but that admittedly doesn't always yield a worthwhile viewing experience.
Agreed! And certainly doesn't entice me to a theater by any means. I can accept it on the couch and watch it in parts or at my leisure.
I don't know if this is a trend or just what directors and producers think people want or might get awards. It's just odd more than anything.
I don't really want a snapshot in time of something going on. I personally prefer a beginning, middle and end with a solid plot. Not saying all great movies are done this way, but when I consider my faves, most are.
Otherwise, it feels like your catching episode 5 of a 10 episode series, but you don't really know the beginning and haven't seen the end. It's a lazy way to do things in my opinion. Where you want to capture something, but don't really have a specific story to tell so you just do it in the snapshot way.