Originally Posted by Bmwm3oz
I'm confused. The answer is nobody, including Dave. The vocals are horrible. And Dave's vocals have always been bad.
There is no non-dmb fan that would ever be like 'Oh wow, this actually works, or this guy is good'. Everyone who knows what a good singer is would say Dave's voice is not good, and certainly not in this song.
On the contrary, the studio take is a phenomenal vocal performance and every moment of it is the way it is because that is 100% how he wanted it to sound. It's art (man) - using different timbres the way a painter uses different hues and shades.
The guttural sound is exaggerated to
reinforce just how intentional it is. He is not singing the song this way because his voice "got bad" or something.
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to sing with that type of vibrato?
Dave is developing his voice and finding new ways to use it. It has been a constant evolution. Hell, the rasp didn't begin to appear at all until 03-05, now he has developed it further and is juxtaposing it with the falsetto/thick vibrato style he used in Seven. His voice has always changed from album to album. Yes, even through the big 3.
Wouldn't surprise me if he did it (guilty as charged) specifically to provoke the kind of reactions we are witnessing here. Most of the songs and music seem to be composed approached from that mindset, IMO.