Originally Posted by Hershey2004
Is this album truly deserving of high praise, or do fans WANT to love it because Lillywhite produced with DMB again finally? I honestly believe if you kept the exact same album/songs/production, but swapped out Lillywhite with Cavallo or even Batson, that hardcores would be less apt to say this album is amazing.
Like many others, I find this album very underwhelming. It's not bad, but it sounds almost lazy. Not as lazy as Stand Up, mind you, but AFTW feels less exciting after the power of Big Whiskey. Big Whiskey has it's weak moments too, but overall I find it to be a much more memorable and solid DMB experience than this new album.
I think people want to love AFTW because Lillywhite is back, but the new DMB today felt much more alive under Cavallo's production in 2009.
It's not splashy. There is nothing here that just screams out at you, but that's why I like it. DMB had gotten so bombastic that they had sacrificed subtlety. This album has all that. If it doesn't wow you, then I get your point of view. But even without all that, it's easily their bast album since tLWS.
My review months later.. the lyrics are underwhelming, but the music and production is right where it needs to be. That works for me. I'll take albums of this quality any day of the week.
As for IF Batson/Cavallo/Ballard could have produced this and the fanbase would have collectively pooped on it.. those guys couldn't have made this album, so it's a pointless argument.
Still a great album. It's not Big 3, but I didn't expect it to be. It's a far cry from so much of the music we got since then.