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Beebz Beebz is offline

Tinnitus Victim

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
  1. dreamingrace
    07-04-2012 11:18 AM
    Happy Fourth of July Love!
  2. SeanMH
    09-19-2010 08:51 AM
    I LOVE your spoiler!!!

    Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle

    classic scene
  3. Beebz
    07-16-2010 06:20 AM
    Its insane that people do that in the middle of a concert. To be honest, I felt like an asshole for screaming like that at a concert and wanting to kill that guy, but in the haha.

    Yeah, it was a fantastic show and I'm glad someone's common sense prevailed.Ill check them out for sure are they in the Hershey thread?
  4. jcomey
    07-15-2010 08:26 PM
    I read your story from Hershey. I thought you were standing right in front of me until I realized where you were on stage. The same exact thing happened in front of me (I was in front of Boyd, about five rows back), and security looked like they were ready to toss a bunch of people (they were looking at me, which was amazing because I didn't even know what happened...I was talking to the people behind me).

    Glad you didn't get kicked out. The show was fantastic. I put up a lot of pictures and videos from it, should you get a chance to peruse!
  5. Beebz
    06-22-2010 01:06 PM
    Bunk Moreland/Antoine Bapstiste from The Wire/Treme. Someone PS a vuvzela in there instead of a trombone, which Baptiste plays in Treme.
  6. TempHelpNeeded
    06-22-2010 12:58 PM
    Who is using the vuvu in your avatar?
  7. mandy18
    08-31-2009 01:22 PM
    Continued ...
    the national plans (to shop for insurance) sound more appealing than limiting private insurance by area (as it is now), I question the employer mandate on two sides: 1) if the tax is less than the cost of providing health insurance, employers will drop insurance and that is where we'll see the potential for a major shift to a gov't run plan (if there is one) b/c it could (should) ultimately be the cheapest out there and 2) how can we mandate family coverage - what if both spouse's work? I question how effective (esp for cost) a panel every 2 years would be and question the role of gov't in the insurance exchange.
  8. mandy18
    08-31-2009 01:22 PM
    Overall, I agree with an awful lot of the ideas. My biggest issue, overall, though is the cost. I'll never get on board with any reform unless it is deficit neutral (and there are too many warnings right now that these plans won't be). Spending has got to be reigned in, or we've got to start paying for it. My condensed opinion on the exacts (from the article): have no problem w/ income subsidies, malpractice reform MUST be part of any reform if we're serious about doing this as a cost control factor, we may as well admit there will be rationing, so that's refreshing to see (although I like the idea that cost can't be used as a reason to deny the coverage), I have no problem covering pre-existing conditions ....
  9. mandy18
    08-31-2009 01:21 PM
    Are you stuck in the cool kids group forever?
    I had a message all typed out and tried to send it.
    Unfortunately, it was almost 4000 characters and the limit is 1000.
    I could have broken it up into multiple posts, but I already erased over it. :(
    Then, I tried again and I'm still over the limit. This time I'll break my condensed version into 2 (or more. I'll just blow up your visitor messages! ha).
    Or, my email is mandyk1 / yahoo if you'd like to chat without the character limit (will you be allowed back in the prompter eventually?).
  10. mandy18
    08-28-2009 01:18 PM
    Hey! I'll read the link and answer your question - either over the weekend or on Monday. I didn't realize I had a message until now ~ I've managed to waste most of my day and should probably spend the last hour of it being constructive. Where did you go, btw? I'm assuming you're not fully banned - are you in the "no prompter" group or did you just take a break?


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  • Join Date: 05-31-2005


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