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bmtoups bmtoups is offline

Celebrate we will...

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
  1. dmbbluedevil
    02-18-2012 05:30 AM
    Feel like I'm stalking the "Toupspeople." :) My name is Maryanne and I'm from the Cincinnati, Ohio area. My cousin and I (and maybe a few others) are looking to hit the Gorge for Dave for the first time and we are gathering info from, well, everywhere. I told my cousin (Amy) that I was too old to do general camping (as in at the Amphitheatre) but Toupstown sounds like a completely different experience. I wanted to see how old you were (for comparison on my "oldness") and I was thrilled to see that you've hit the big 4-0 (I will be 40 on Aug 30 the day before Gorge begins!). BONUS: You are also a Virgo which explains why the Toupstown website is so amazingly organized! We Virgos run the world! Anywho, thanks for all the information that you've already provided. I am sure I will have more questions and thoughts once my cousin sees this new development in the "Quest for Gorge 2012!"

    Maryanne (dmbbluedevil)
  2. jennie75
    12-17-2009 06:40 PM
    doood. why didn't you smack the shit out of me when i stopped posting for like 3 months??? i remember now that this is my therapy :)
  3. princesskimby
    03-09-2009 09:50 PM
    Hey Mayor,
    How are you?
    I was looking at Toups Town and saw that I have no nickname.
    Guess I'll have to earn one this year.
    See you in Vegas?
  4. jennie75
    02-26-2009 11:29 PM
    best mayor/boyfriend/uncle-daddy toups ever. :)
  5. DMB-SFgirl
    01-25-2009 06:59 PM
    Looks like we've been to a lot of the same shows!!! The site you have for ants iin Vegas looks great. Rob Powers (#3 on the list) forwarded me the site. I've signed up!! Hooray. Now all I need are concert tickets (ha!). Not worries, or am I ??? Looking forward to May (DMB heaven)
  6. jennie75
    01-05-2009 11:16 AM
    did you have a fun new years? i know i had the BEST one ever ; )
  7. Geffiner
    12-24-2008 02:14 PM

    Happy Holidays! :)
  8. jennie75
    12-02-2008 10:32 AM
    i say "of", you say "a.....revolution" and you say "jah" !! YAY!
  9. Geffiner
    11-27-2008 03:25 AM
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. jennie75
    11-14-2008 06:44 PM
    re-tracted. there. happy now?

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    DMB Shows Attended
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    Portland area
    is DMB a hobby?


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  • Last Activity: 09-09-2023 04:05 PM
  • Join Date: 03-25-2004


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