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DustyKeys70 DustyKeys70 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Dark_Prince
    12-01-2009 02:52 PM
    Sorry bout the really late reply lol, but if you have a hobby lobby or "Michaels" craft store near you, somewhere in the framing department there should be little metal sectional framing kits. You basically packs of 2 side pieces each, so you have to purchase 2 packages so you have all 4 sides of the frame, the hardware for putting them together is included in the cost as well. Basically you put 3 sides of it together, slide the poster/backing/glass (if you bought it) into the frame, then close it off. If there's a significant gap between the back of the frame and your backing, it includes these springy clip things that keep constant pressure so that none of it moves around. For me the Noblesville posters were a different dimension than the others so it was like 14x24, so I went to a local glass shop and just asked for 2 pieces of 14x24 glass for mounting some posters which came to like 12 bucks, but thats just in my town lol, you might have to improvise.
  2. damvbe4134
    08-18-2009 01:29 PM
    Beautiful weather out there today.
  3. dmb_lover33
    08-17-2009 05:00 PM
    No, haven't succumbed to the Facebook frenzy yet. I am on Myspace though (even though no one is ever on there anymore - lol) Send me your pics when you can and I'll send you mine. Work is gonna be busy for me this week since I'll be playing catch-up from my "Dave-cation" but I'll try to get them up soon! Love & miss you much! :)
  4. dmb_lover33
    08-17-2009 04:49 PM
    Haha....I know, right? I always get the post-trip blues. I'll be alright 'bout mid-week I suppose! But I do miss you guys a lot. Already!
  5. dmb_lover33
    08-17-2009 04:05 PM
    I'm blue. :(
  6. Geffiner
    07-31-2009 02:46 PM
    I cannot wait to meet you and hang out in 2 weeks!
  7. dmb_lover33
    06-30-2009 03:23 PM
    Just in case you haven't seen in the WPB thread yet, I set up a time that a bunch of ants are gonna get together at the PGA pool bar @ 2:00pm on Saturday for a shot! Hope you can join us! :)

About Me

  • About DustyKeys70
    DMB Shows Attended
    38 shows- 8 Different States, FL, AL, GA, TX, CO, WA, VA, NY
    Orlando, FL
  • Signature
    8/25/98 - 07/31/15 = 52 shows
    Commissioner of Fawesome


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 07-22-2024 01:59 PM
  • Join Date: 12-18-2003


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