Forums - Dave Matthews Band Discussion - View Profile: wnderwoman

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wnderwoman wnderwoman is offline

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 55
  1. smudge1
    03-05-2013 07:06 PM
    Can you shut the thread down, for a month or so?
  2. daveshookme
    01-28-2012 11:46 AM
    Can my interview advice thread be closed? DiDriveOut2Spac's has more advice already in it and I hadn't seen that when i started mine. Thanks!
  3. AJF_41
    12-06-2011 06:07 PM
    can we un-sticky all of those movie threads? they haven't been touched in a month...and they are a little annoying at the top.
  4. SomeDevil#41
    11-11-2011 11:50 AM
    I posted another thread about the AC CD release can you please delete it, i didnt see the first one, sorry about that
  5. SqueeBaBooSquee
    09-21-2011 06:36 PM
    Let Angela's first born child be named Squeebaboosquee.
  6. jcc522
    06-07-2011 07:32 PM
    Why'd you close my snake thread
  7. BotheLaneFan
    02-15-2011 04:42 PM
    I like pulled pork sandwiches, do you?
  8. aicdmb
    02-15-2011 03:55 PM
    I didnt know i couldnt post a thread to see if anyone else thinks a band sucks. my bad. i thought it was a discussion board. guess not
  9. PongPLPF
    02-10-2011 09:03 PM
    Hi, I just tried to post my first thread, a message flashed about needing moderator approval. I didn't know if this was automated or if I needed to notify someone, and ask for it to be approved. If the latter is so, please approve my post, I don't think you'll find anything objectionable therein. However, if by some chance there is a problem with it, please let me know, so I can make the necessary adjustments. If the former is so and it's simply a matter of time before my post is posted, then please disregard this message. Either way email Cowherd, "the road to the Final Four begins with us," damn, feel free to make an editorial change that swaps whatever weak out line I had at first, for that one.
    Thanks, Pong
  10. cheffire
    08-03-2010 02:19 PM
    you live in cville?


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