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Lcsulla Lcsulla is offline

Black Hawks Matter

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 34
  1. SmallBallSack
    04-12-2024 11:49 PM
    Never mind. I see it. Thanks.
  2. SmallBallSack
    04-12-2024 11:49 PM
    Did you dickheads take down my missed connection post?
  3. RSSR
    01-13-2024 02:16 AM
    He is using derogatory for the use of “chief” in how he spends to me in how I previously responded to his replies. In especially how he uses my response in labeling me a rapist like his mind would accept me and call me a racist without merit. I’m the Native American here and he calls me chief. I’m talking about kmbean calling me out about without 100% that Boyd Tinsley was guilty in terms of kmbean’s jury. I want kmbean’s sig of me removed for that reason.
  4. WhereYouGoin
    08-16-2021 08:41 PM
    Watsontbrian needs discipline. He bullies me tons.
  5. WhereYouGoin
    08-09-2021 05:13 AM
    watsonbriant is a bully. Please deal with him somehow.
  6. dmberkley
    01-09-2018 08:36 PM
    Oh shit man.... I dropped in to see what is happening here and I see your name as a mod!!! Hope life’s is well man... take care and happy new year
  7. antsmarchin
    04-04-2014 09:51 AM
    Hi there,
    I was told that Mods can give me permission to edit posts.
    I have some old postings back in the day that shows my email address, and i would like to edit/delete them out.

    What can i do to make that happen?
  8. dreamingrace
    11-26-2013 09:42 AM
    Happy thanksgiving! Looks like ziva might get replaced!
  9. DaveMatthews777
    10-09-2013 06:51 AM
    Hey. I am sorry about posting a second thread that had to be closed. I am just new and didn't understand how things worked around here. Why was the thread closed in the first place? (Was religion encoded by God?)
  10. steffie224
    06-02-2013 08:27 AM

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    "Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."


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