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daveshookme daveshookme is offline

Altuve wore a wire

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 34
  1. RSSR
    01-13-2024 02:08 AM
    Let me further add, I never picked sides with Boyd unconditionally and without regard him molesting adults. Others in that thread sided with kmbean but I never said Boyd was faultless in anything.
  2. RSSR
    01-13-2024 02:05 AM
    kmbean called me “chief” at a moment where it is degrading to me in his rebuttal in my most recent threads. I am Fort Peck Sioux and Northern Arapaho, I want both an apology from him and his sig removed. His comment of “chief” is incomprehensible and derogatory. He’s like calling me the *n word.
  3. dog117
    08-23-2021 06:40 PM
    any chance you might get any more WH pits for SPAC (either night)?
  4. skers7676
    07-15-2020 06:22 PM
    can you delete a post for me ?

    Thanks Keith
  5. anklebunker
    01-16-2018 12:42 PM
    Hey, I created the *2018 Camden* thread this morning but accidentally listed the wrong dates in my OP. Can you fix it to 6/15 & 6/16? Thanks in advance!
  6. 42km
    08-31-2015 05:19 PM
    Time to put the Vancouver thread to the top
  7. bmn9900
    04-01-2015 03:09 PM
    Hey daveshookme,

    I had some questions about Moreau for SPAC but didn't want to spam the thread. My buddies are heading up and have 6 people. My girl and I are looking to drive up from Pittsburgh and tag along. Looks like you have some spots reserved, so figured you may know some of these answers:

    - How strict is the campground about having extra people (8 vs. 6)?
    - We called today and they said 2 tents per spot. Is that legit?
    - They also said a 2 car rule. Any way around that, or a place close to leave extra cars?

    Any insight would be appreciated.


  8. DreamingStreets
    08-03-2014 03:08 PM
    Could you please contact an admin to allow me to post threads again? I really miss doing that.
  9. Doofie27
    08-30-2013 12:27 PM
    Hey man are we on for tonight?
  10. Doofie27
    08-30-2013 04:17 AM
    Hey my number is 208-850-3731

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  • Last Activity: 10-29-2024 07:55 AM
  • Join Date: 06-18-2009


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