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ExistenceNow ExistenceNow is offline Moderator

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 27
  1. RSSR
    01-13-2024 02:48 AM
    I never said I 100% supported AND agreed to Boyd Tinsley being completely without wrong doing in his involvements, but kmbean took my quotes to mean exactly beyond that 100%. I want an apology from him for that and his sig removed for that for calling me “chief”, again he called me chief beyond all that.
  2. RSSR
    01-13-2024 02:32 AM
    I never said I 100% supported AND agreed to Boyd Tinsley being completely without wrong doing in his involvements, but kmbean took my quotes to mean exactly that 100%. I want an apology from him for that and his sig removed for that for calling me “chief”, again he called me chief beyond all that.
  3. AntAnne
    01-01-2020 12:29 PM
    Thanks - I didn't know if it counted as a ticket because it's hotel, food, etc.
  4. AntAnne
    01-01-2020 12:08 PM
    Hi-I believe I had a post that was taken down, but I didn't get any message about it. Would you be able to help?
  5. abul_aziz
    06-17-2019 06:52 AM
    Hey there....was just noticing that the Chase Show in San Fran is not listed on the Tour Central list....that by design?
  6. URockstar
    05-21-2018 04:00 PM
    Oh, I just meant in general. I'm not going to the show tomorrow.
  7. URockstar
    05-21-2018 03:17 PM
    Hey, know of any DMB get togethers in Austin?
  8. garagebrothers
    05-17-2018 03:04 PM
    Can you delete my message with CScott when he said it was less than actual knowledge about Boyd plz?? He wasnts me to take it out but it wont let me edit it!!
  9. Bruins77DMB
    02-28-2016 10:07 AM
    Hi, how do I delete and add shows for "My Tour Stats"?
  10. anklebunker
    02-17-2016 08:12 AM
    Hi, can you delete a thread I made in the ticket exchange this morning? The title is "(For Sale) One (1) Rivervend Reserved". I mis-spelled Riverbend. I already posted a different thread with proper spelling. Thank you.

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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 07:18 PM
  • Join Date: 08-31-2004


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