Forums - Dave Matthews Band Discussion - Conversation Between bustdstuff and dmb_lover33

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Conversation Between bustdstuff and dmb_lover33
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. dmb_lover33
    04-10-2009 01:09 PM
    Gotcha! Well, have fun and we'll see ya 'round the WPB thread! (We're trying to set up a time where we all meet up @ the poolside bar around 2pm or so to have a group shot together!) Keep ya posted! :)
  2. bustdstuff
    04-10-2009 12:58 PM
    I'll be there again. I always at least try to make it to all the FL shows. I haven't ventured into any of the summer tour threads yet (well except to say hi to Gorge) because I've got Birmingham and Vegas before I really start thinking about the summer.
  3. dmb_lover33
    04-10-2009 12:50 PM
    Thats awesome! Yeah, my friend and I met you there @ the PGA! In fact, if you look on my page, you were the one who took the pic of us & your monkey! Hahaha!!! I haven't really seen you post much in the WPB thread, you plan on coming again this year? I'd love to sign your monkey again! ;)
  4. bustdstuff
    04-10-2009 12:46 PM
    Yep. I was the chick with the monkey.
  5. dmb_lover33
    04-10-2009 12:04 PM
    Were you at WPB last summer? :)

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