Conversation Between pathetic and ProudMonkey420
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 39
Well, your fingers weave quick minarets
Speak in secret alphabets
I light another cigarette
Learn to forget, learn to forget
Learn to forget, learn to forget
Going to the roadhouse gonna have a REAAAAAAAALLLLL, AH, GOODTIME!!!
Yeah, keep your eyes on the road, your hand upon the wheel
I wish i owned that shirt! Its just a picture i found on StumbleUpon.Com.....i sent it to just about everyone one in MJ Thread :lol Good shit
hahahahahahaha did you buy that shirt for alpine? good stuff tony, my friend
just...ugh....Lost....Desmond and mahself.....i dont know wtf is going to happen and i dont htink i can wait 5 days...i think im just gonna text/call Jack and Claire to see what happens...
but im going to fall into a deep, deep slumber real quick....ill c ya on another day BROTHAH :haha.....peace man.