Conversation Between Arby and flying_gibbon
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
I only have 2 shows on my plate this summer (Mansfield x2) sadly. Similar to you, a big departure from my normal 6-8 shows a year, haha. I moved to Wisconsin last fall but I have a wedding over Alpine weekend!
Hey man! Yea Im randomly in the mod business now haha. I was in the right place at the right time I guess. But no, this is actually the first year in ten years that I probably wont be able to make it to a show - kind of a bummer. Maybe if a winter tour pulls thru Chicago, but other than that Im out of luck I think. What about you? Are you gonna make it out to a few?
You are a moderator now? Nice! You going to make any shows this summer?
yea, the chicago lineup looks amazing, too. I'm really hoping that Ben Folds and Soulive get added to the NYC lineup.
Yea, I got my ticket to the Chicago caravan a little while back. It's gunna be a great weekend! For the last couple years, Ive only been able to make 1 show per year, so it'll be great to see 3 in a row
so you gonna make it to any caravans? Just got my tickets today for NYC, I am so pumped.