Forums - Dave Matthews Band Discussion - Conversation Between pathetic and ProudMonkey420

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Conversation Between pathetic and ProudMonkey420
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 39
  1. ProudMonkey420
    03-11-2010 04:13 PM
    17 hours!! i would have to plan something out....thats a sick amount of driving, it can be done i guess, i probably wouldnt do Wrigley Field but Spac would be ten times better. hmmm, it all seems very possible...i wouldnt drink before the shows because i would need all the money i have, and i would just smoke up from you guys hahaha....
  2. pathetic
    03-11-2010 04:05 PM
    If you drive to moreau campgrounds from where you are I'll set you up
  3. ProudMonkey420
    03-11-2010 04:00 PM
    and Spacs in like June sometime, i probably wont go this year thats like a $400 year i WILL come tho.
  4. ProudMonkey420
    03-11-2010 03:55 PM
    oh yeah! with the money i DO NOT HAVE....fuck it im gonna save up and when the time comes around maybe i will come...if i come though it will be last minute, might not have any bud-ski....why are you not coming to Alpine anymore?!!
  5. pathetic
    03-11-2010 03:50 PM
    Dude come to spac!
  6. ProudMonkey420
    03-11-2010 03:49 PM
    hell yeah im going to see that, even if i have to travel 420 miles.
  7. pathetic
    03-11-2010 02:20 PM
    bahahahaha u freak!

    you going to see this april 9th? woooooooooo long live the lizard king
  8. ProudMonkey420
    03-11-2010 02:18 PM
    well if you were The Lizard King i would consider it.....hahaha nvm nope, not happening.
  9. pathetic
    03-11-2010 02:15 PM
    neither, i'm tellin ya to bend over...cuz i'm a backdoor man
  10. ProudMonkey420
    03-11-2010 02:12 PM
    i dont know if your callin me a girl or if your proclaiming your love for the doors.....

    Father, yes son, I want to kill you
    Mother...I want to...fuck you

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